The installations Search the Location Map & click on the images below:
A Kent-wide installation project commissioned by Kent County Council and local partners in response to the Paralympic Road Cycling Races which took place at Brands Hatch in September 2012.
The reCyculture team worked with local people in three creative residencies across Kent, to paint bikes, & collect stories, create poems & stop animation films, to create online, virtual installations, alongside the physical installaions, around the county.
Location partners:
& Tri the Bike Shop
Tunbridge Wells
& the Number One Community Centre
Margate – Harbour Arm Gallery, Marine Studios & Thanet Cycle Recycle
Ramsgate – Queen Charlotte
Folkestone – Creative Quarter Folkestone & Folkestone Fringe
A HUGE thanks to all
You can still get involved. Tell us your stories, ideas and thoughts about cycling and bikes, and be part of reCyculture on or Twitter @reCyculture