A celebration of the bicycle


reCyculture is a celebration of the bicycle in all its forms and contexts. Painted or dressed to highlight the perfection of their design, the bikes are conspicuously hidden in the landscape. They are dada-esque in nature, surprising, unexpected and surreal interventions in the everyday.


The event unfortunately coincided with the incredible Storm Katie & wind speeds of 79.4 mph (the last recorded before the wind velocity measure broke!). Lots of people came & though the team valiantly struggled on against the elements, it was impossible to present the full show.

FireSpring, 26 March, 6.30-9pm

Bike wheel aflame
reCyculture has evolved, working with Paul Bryce of Light Fires, for a pilot event at Cyclopark, FireSpring.

Created by reCyculture’s Artistic Director, FireSpring will be a fiery garden of delights including upcycled installations made from bikes, live music & bicycle pyrotechnic performances. FireSpring marks the turning of the clocks and welcomes back the spring.

Event Schedule:

6pm-6.30pm – FireSpring Bike Train gathers in Community Square, Gravesend. Light up your bike or come along to have a few lights put on your ride

6.30pm – The Bike Train heads off with the Strictly Cycling crew

6.30pm – Lighting up starts at Cyclopark

6.50pm – Bike Train arrives

7pm – Pyrotechnic & installation performances start & then every 20 minutes until

9pm – Final performance & close

Location map: http://bit.ly/1S1QkPL

woman dances with a bike wheel from which shoots a sparkling firework (don't try this at home!)
Funded by:

Arts Council England logo

Kent County Council logo

Gravesham Borough Council logo

FireSpring, 26 March 2016, 6.30-9pm

Bike wheel aflame
reCyculture has evolved, working with Paul Bryce of Light Fires, for a pilot event at Cyclopark, FireSpring.

Created by reCyculture’s Artistic Director, FireSpring will be a fiery garden of delights including upcycled installations made from bikes, live music & bicycle pyrotechnic performances. FireSpring marks the turning of the clocks and welcomes back the spring.  Read More: Event Schedule

Location map: http://bit.ly/1S1QkPL

woman dances with a bike wheel from which shoots a sparkling firework (don't try this at home!)



Night Bikes @ SHINE On London Road, Brighton 2013/14

The reCyculture team created an epic installation on the roof of the World’s End pub – Night Bikes – as part of SHINE On London Road. The installation was commissioned by Brighton & Hove City Council and Portas Pilot regeneration scheme as alternative Xmas lights and was in place December 2013 to January 2014, surviving the festive season’s storms and 90mph gale force winds.

5 brightly lit, green painted bikes leap from the roof of an art deco building

5 brightly lit, green bikes leap into a night sky, from the roof of a tall building, over a shopping street

The SHINE On bikes were rescued from the gardens of several local people.

Chloe Raleigh insignia

Dahlan’s Sister’s Raleigh

close up image of the sprocket

Max’s BMX


Mongoose chain © Raysto Images

Foz’s Mountain Bike

Reflex brake cables © Raysto Images

Sarah’s Boneshaker

Green Horses on the Wall, Wandsworth Arts Festival 2012

Three green painted bikes, one above the other, emerge from the wall of a block of flats.  The lower bike is just the front wheel and handle bars, the middle one a half bike, and the top bike a three quarter bike

In 2012, the project returned to Roehampton, and Wandsworth Arts Festival, to embrace the wonderful notion of Green Horses on the Wall and impossible dreams, with more impossible and improbable recycled bike installations around the estate. Performance poet Chris Paradox was commissioned to create a short spoken word piece about ridiculous ideas and what crazy dreams mean for the local community.

Two green painted, half bikes emerge from the side of two walls of a block of flats

Performance Parking, Wandsworth Arts Festival 2011

In 2011, Wandsworth Arts Festival approached Creative Producer, Karen Poley, to run a project on the Alton Estate in Roehampton. A number of bikes were painted and installed around the estate as part of a Bicycle Ballet workshop and performance project, during the festival.

Two green painted bikes adorn the sides of two blocks of flats, highlighted by the green leaves of a tree standing in the foreground in between them.

Two green bikes leap out of the facade of a block of flats, above the entrance to Roehampton Library.  In the foreground stands a bus signposted 'Roehampton'

Watching the bikes being installed above Roehampton Library, a local resident came up laughing that the installations reminded him of a saying in his country, Romania, ‘Green Horses on the Wall.’ When you see green horses on the wall, you’re dreaming of incredible or impossible ideas, as in ‘a pipe dream’ or ‘when pigs might fly.’